YCSMP introduces the Elles Moca sound and style in a lasting way. Setting the mood with ease, a slowly emerging ambiance creates a cinematic sense of immersion – as well as tipping its hat back to the simpler hip hop set-ups of times past. To then weave in a clearly contemporary vocal sound, from the shape of the bars, the flows, to the auto-tune and production, is to effectively give listeners a stylish fusion of yesteryear and the sound of today. Elles Moca keeps a fast-paced and hooking us with her amazing vocals. Elles Moca is a Bold, creative and diplomatic, young female hip hop artist from Toronto Canada who is taking the groove by storm and she is here to make her mark.
In a male dominant industry what she is doing is remarkable. Since her early days, she made music and polished her skills over time. Having to make her way through obstacles because of her gender and background built her character and made her strong as an artist. And you can feel it through her music too. She wants to talk about those hardships and empower women through her heart-touching music. Moments of melody and various structural shifts help keep things engaging every step of the way. Meanwhile, the story is told, personal and intriguing, with the occasional familiar reference for feelings of confidence and drive.
Find and follow her on Instagram and Twitter.