This latest track “NO ANSWER TO PEACE” from “Nico J Wouters” is yet another masterpiece. The track starts off in a much more traditional manner than some of his other recent releases – the vibe is set, strong and fast; classic rhythms to get you hyped up from the offset. Then as the music begins to unfold, the ever beautiful World Of Nico J Wouters sound just pours over you.
There’s a definite realness to the songwriting style, and the performance for that matter, and this is where that ‘authentic’ feeling comes from. There’s an honesty behind the music, there’s a touch of humanity behind the art, and that’s something many people will respond to – particularly, one can imagine, at a live show. The great sound of real rock and rap is likely to light up any weekend with this kind of presentation.
If you are a true fan of rock music, you all can see the brilliant guitar riffs that are playing in the track and altogether the creativity present throughout the instrumentation and the effects and the structure, but also in the way that each of the harmony voices has been incorporated into the track.
If you witness the video along with the track, it gives an awesome message to all the audience out there. This song was written about gun control and how innocent people die in the street. It ties in with the album (I Spy A New Life) theme because we all should want a life of peace where people are not shot in the street. We should lead a new life with freedom to walk the streets.
As a song, this track has everything music fans crave; the melody is in form, the lines are simple and concise, really leaving space around the lyrics for you to stop and take it all in – a clever touch of songwriting, making sure you notice every line, and remember every idea. Then of course you focus in on the sound of the artist’s voice, the style of performance offered up, the character that comes through with every string of notes sung.
Nico J Wouters has a brilliant voice, the kind of stylish and confident leading vocal that can effortlessly carry this sort of catchy and attention grabbing rock record through any and every sound system, with great smoothness and swagger. The overall vibe of the music, the final effect initiated by all of these things working so well in one place, is this undeniably uplifting experience – the good vibes are out in full force.
Nico J Wouters is the artist who creates this kind of unusual, unpredictable, dramatically crafted music, which makes you feel incredible when you listen, and really showcases the fact that he is indeed one of a kind. This is the artist who presents us with this particular style and sound, first and foremost. It’s the sound of a master at work, and there’s comfort in knowing that anything he puts out will satisfy your needs – forever surprising you, at every corner turned, but always holding fast to that winning formula.