Embark on a profound musical odyssey as MYGM Tezy, the authentic artist hailing from Reno, Nevada, shares his inspiring story in ‘Tezy-Own Way.’ Born in the tumultuous year of 1994, Tezy’s early life was characterized by constant upheavals between North Carolina and Reno, shaped by his family’s challenges.
Tezy’s lyrics are a heartfelt reflection of his tumultuous upbringing, delving deep into his father’s battle with alcoholism and the conflicts his parents faced. Amidst the transient lifestyle, finding solace in music became his anchor.
The rap composition ‘Tezy-Own Way’ epitomizes resilience, delivering a powerful message of strength and determination. Tezy’s captivating storytelling paired with skillful rap flow showcases his musical prowess.
Follow MYGM Tezy’s musical journey on Facebook and stream ‘Tezy-Own Way’ on Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music