Kicking things off in a brilliantly stylish fashion, Mark Imperial and Benjamin Parkes have done a brilliant job by bringing us “I MISS YOU” in a unique manner. These awesome souls are from Sydney, Australia and they are a great combo in the music industry.
Things continue down this pathway throughout the set, offering a dash of something we all know and love, some legendary mentions, but presenting it in a somewhat hypnotically ambient and rhythmic manner. It’s like a guilty pleasure done properly. It feels great to lose yourself in the playlist, and what’s more, everything progresses in a totally satisfying way.
Without a doubt, Mark Imperial and Benjamin Parkes have done an amazing job by releasing this awesome track to all the audience out there. The hit of the music is enhanced by the leading vocal, which is beautifully performed; relevantly mellow, yet subtly and crucially emotional. It’s also a vocal that has been flawlessly and effectively incorporated into the mix, really helping the entire track just wash over its audience with great style.
There’s a little something different and fresh about this latest collaboration from Mark Imperial and Benjamin Parkes. The music has a huge ambiance. The focus is instead on the delicate energy of the track; the brilliant vocals, the story unfolding within the lyrics, and still, as always, the profound way in which the music builds up towards its ever compelling climax.
The track has a lot about it that is unexpected and fairly unpredictable. It’s a beautiful few minutes to experience, and it draws no blatant comparisons at any point. The enjoyment comes partly from the freshness, and partly from the undeniably skillful way in which the music has been crafted and controlled to set a very specific sort of vibe.