“Hallowed Dream” by “Fourplus999” is a solid track with a little bit of all the best parts of hip-hop and R&B. For the most part the track brings audiences a classic Psychedelic-hip hop-metal energy; a thick beat, a haunting leading riff that repeats throughout – the signature sound of the music – and the leading vocal. The awesome delivery has an intense yet mellow vibe to it – the passion is there without over-focusing on speed or shouting, and this approach is far more effective in making you really want to listen. It’s also a great voice to listen to, with great flow.
There are more than a few truth bombs throughout the lyricism. With the music being so light in nature and so joyful sounding, the words somehow strike even harder. The presence of social issues, important issues, weighs heavier among the peaceful energy of the music; perhaps because the contrast holds such a scary resemblance to our daily lives – people get on with their routines, the sun continues to shine, even though there’s so much that’s out of place, so much injustice and suffering at each and every moment – always coexisting alongside the regular rhythm of modern life.
“Hallowed Dream” is a huge track. It sounds superb and even just as a fresh moment of real hip-hop, the vibe is stunning. What separates it from many of its peers though, is the inescapable meaning – the lyrical freedom and the refusal to ignore – precisely the thing that is needed, consistently, during these times. It’s a beautiful track, musically and in what it stands up for – it’s poignant, powerful, calmly and confidently performed so as to really drive the message with honesty and strength. Nothing needs to be forced when the subject matter is as real as this.
The music builds and falls away in a very minimal manner, enough so to keep things interesting. Each vocal part too, is well placed and appropriately expressed as these changes occur – though not so much so that the very essence of hip-hop and these overall vibes is lost. Far from it. The nostalgia is there for those who seek it, but everything else is new – the awesome delivery, the lyricism, the vocal tone; the new sense of character is likely to appeal to any number of listeners. Well worth checking out.