Keeping things heavy yet crisp, clean-cut, and alternative enough to connect on a genuine level, Jett hits the contemporary hip hop scene with style and unwavering confidence. Featuring an addictive hit of production, complete with a melody that contrasts well with the sheer weight and depth of the beat, the track creates an engaging mood from the offset, and Jett’s flow, varied throughout, fills in the remaining gaps. It’s a song with a vibe that anyone can get behind. The lyrics are simple and clean so that the message is loud and clear. Jett is a Hip hop artist from Hampton VA who is new to the hip hop arena. Yet his creativeness and out-of-the-box thinking have already produced some amazing tracks with his own identity in it.
Though he is a Hip hop artist he takes inspiration from other genres too which helps him to grow as an artist. With every new song, he is making he tries to give something new to his audience so they won’t have to listen to the same type of tracks twice.