“Rilan & The Bombardiers” has a voice that really takes your breath away for a moment, particularly on this latest single “All Right.” The delicacy of their vocal tones, the intimate recording style, the emotion, and the flawless ability to reach each note and moment fuses beautifully with the devotion and passion in the lyrics. There’s something totally unique and heartfelt about the performance here, it’s the sort that perhaps a few years ago would have felt comfortably a part of the outpouring of Frank Ocean, Joe Cooker, Jacob Banks, but that right now feels completely fresh and genuine, and far more interesting than any of that.
There’s something immediately captivating about this video, the simplicity of it in no way affects the strength – on the contrary, this single-scene style of the film draws your focus to (and keeps it on) the central character; a part played so authentically that every emotion and every idea is expressed with the entire body – as opposed to merely by the lyrics.
The artist featured in the video offers plenty in the way of realness, and also in the way of individuality. The whole concept of an ‘artist’ generally incorporates more elements than that which is audible – it’s everything you appear to be, everything you put forth, everything you express. This video effectively changes the way you hear the song, because you’re seeing it performed right there in the moment, and the space created by the medium lets each idea resonate a little more intensely.
As the song progresses, a few minor details appear to increase the strength of the soundscape – a touch of rhythm, organic yet again, and a few distant vocal hums that add to that vibrancy and that soulful authenticity in a subtle but effective way. Everything about the song has been thoughtfully incorporated, it’s simplistic, organic – as stated – you can visualize this being performed right in front of you. Rilan & The Bombardiers carry the song and its underlying sentiments in an effortlessly powerful way, so much so that when the track comes to an end, you miss it. That sense of movement and overcoming is empowering, and lightly energizing – it makes you want to get up and do something positive; take steps forward, and be the change you wish to see.
As an artist it’s likely there’s a lot more to come from Rilan & The Bombardiers
In the near future, their potential to bring something fresh to the pop world is strong, and this track is the perfect place to begin that journey. A beautiful and easily recognizable release once you’ve stumbled upon it.
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