Momentos Di Vida by “Ti Santos” is a gorgeously colorful release that offers up a smooth, creatively detailed soundscape, alongside of both a compelling new melody and a subsequent rap vocal that adds further to the evolution and unpredictability of the whole song.
The riffs on this track are actually fantastic, and the rhythm of the music is not the only driving force behind the energy – the delivery of the melody has a certain pattern to it that offers a similarly addictive and uplifting quality. On top of all of this, you get a real showman presenting the music to you. Anything sounds better when the artist showcasing it is already, clearly in love with the process – it’s a great thing to experience.
Live show aside for a moment though, the song itself has been recorded incredibly well for your listening pleasure. The hip hop vibe is alive and kicking, yet Ti Santos’s leading vocal rides alongside of it all in a hip hop-meets-rap kind of way, and this really brings together a few different musical angles – resulting in something that is unquestionably true to this artist’s sound alone. The more you listen to his music, the more familiar and characterful his voice really shows itself to be. As stated, this latest release is huge, a stand out moment – brilliantly captured and really well produced to give you the full, authentic effect of live music.
“Momentos Di Vida” keeps the vibe high and bright, the joyful mood of this one is infectious and immediately pulls you in to be a part of the action. There’s a touch of the heartfelt and reflective here, it’s a real moment of truth, humanity, and optimism – the melody, the delivery, the lyrics – there’s a delicacy behind the pace that connects on a very genuine level. Really well placed as the second song on the project, an early indication of the depth and passion of the artist.
From a production perspective the track is incredibly impressive. First of all, certain elements of this soundscape have a quality that comes through with so much memorable character. The song is nothing like either of these, but you get something out of the instrumentation that is blissful to experience, unlike the average hip hop song in which it is the melody or the key line that stays with you. Secondly, whether it’s the chemistry of the artist and the song driving this individuality or not, the set-up is refreshingly unusual. The entire first half of the song is performed melodically, the ideas are sung, the whole thing seems to present itself fully and you briefly fall into complacency thinking you know how it all will go now. The latter half of the track, however, introduces the rap vocal – re-crafts the experience, re-directs your thoughts, keeps the mood completely relevant and fits brilliantly, as with everything else. It adds just enough of that something fresh to really set in stone the strength of the release. There’s so much creativity, passion, and professionalism here. These guys are definitely worth looking out for.