Prepare to ascend to the mesmerizing heights of “雲の上の街 (Cloud City),” a uniquely imaginative musical creation by Zhihao Qiu. Hailing from Hong Kong, Qiu’s visionary approach to composition takes center stage in this extraordinary piece.
“雲の上の街 (Cloud City)” is a symphonic exploration that seamlessly intertwines two captivating concepts. Imagining a steampunk alternative universe devoid of plants, the composition draws listeners into a world where machinery reigns supreme. Acoustic instruments take on an otherworldly quality, played with a dynamic precision that evokes a futuristic ambiance.
Zhihao Qiu’s avant-garde approach showcases his prowess as a composer and his commitment to pushing musical boundaries. Dive into the unique soundscape of “雲の上の街 (Cloud City)” available now on Spotify, and get ready to experience a musical journey like no other.